January 2015, 2 - 4pm
Claus Moser Research
Centre, Room 0.12
Keele University,
The West Midlands Mental Health Institute LETC have recently commissioned a new education resource to support people with a learning disability accessing health care.
This resource entitled “Making a Difference Together: A health toolkit” has been developed by a multidisciplinary team led by
Sue Read, Professor of Learning Disability Nursing,
School of Nursing & Midwifery,
Keele University.
Following the regional launch of the Toolkit in December, we are warmly inviting you to an additional local launch on the 28th January,at Keele University.
This is your opportunity to explore the Toolkit and its applicability from a practical perspective.
A campus guide to the University can be found on the following web link:
There is no charge to attend this event, but places are limited, so you are advised to book early.
For further information about the Toolkit launch, please contact Professor Sue Read
Tel: 01782 679653
Email s.c.read@keele.ac.uk
To reserve a place, please contact
Barbara Bailey,
School of Nursing and Midwifery,
Keele University
Clinical Education Centre,
University Hospitals of North
Midlands NHS Trust
Royal Stoke University
Hospital, Newcastle Road,
Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 6QG
Tel: Tel: 01782 679678
Email: b.bailey@keele.ac.uk
Posted 20th Jan 2015
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